Nicole Sharpe

Nicole Sharpe

Senior Director

“I joined SRC because every day we get to reimagine what the world would look like if all children had the opportunity to thrive. What if all children had the right to be creative and critical thinkers, to show up as their full selves, have their unique identities affirmed, and experience deep moments of curiosity, community, and joy? With our partners, we are invited to ask the tough questions to unpack existing inequities, breakdown barriers, and generate new early childhood systems where this world becomes a real possibility.”

Nicole is able to cut through layers and layers of information to find the most important ideas. She loves offering support by raising key concepts to create robust and powerful solutions.

Nicole has expertise in providing strategic advising to advance early childhood policies, investments, and systems-building efforts. Leading projects focused on strategic planning, Nicole works alongside SRC partners to set actionable goals and design progressive plans for change that build on successes and improve supports for young children and families. In addition to providing strategic guidance, she offers experience in policy analysis, implementation support, and storytelling in order to examine, strengthen, and communicate the impact of early childhood programming.

Nicole has over 15 years of experience in the early childhood field. She began her career as a preschool teacher at the Reggio-inspired World Bank Children’s Center. She subsequently worked in a variety of settings advocating for early learning issues, including the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education and the Ounce of Prevention Fund. She holds an Ed.M. in Policy and Management from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a B.S. in Early Childhood Education from the University of Vermont.

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