Oregon Coordinated Enrollment Guidebook

By Lindsey Allard Agnamba, Katina Kearney-Edwards, Mimi Howard, Wei-Bing Chen, Missy Coffey, Donna Spiker, Erika Gaylor, Ryan Grimm, Jenna Nguyen, Carolina Zamora, Lauren Barton, Haidee Bernstein, Melanie Chong, Kathryn Morrison,

The guidebook draws on the lessons learned during the Early Learning Division's first year of experience implementing coordinated enrollment strategies through Preschool Promise. Each section of the guidebook details a part of Oregon’s coordinated enrollment vision and includes examples and resources that Early Learning Hubs can use to inform their work as they move forward in implementing coordinated enrollment.


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SRC Contributors

Lindsey Allard Agnamba
Founder and CEO

Katina Kearney-Edwards
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Mimi Howard

Advisor for Strategy and Systems

School Readiness Consulting

We're educators, researchers, play enthusiasts, data nerds, parents of children, pets, and plants (sometimes all three!), and much more. Many backgrounds, one purpose: fostering the potential of all children.


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